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Here We Go Again


A new season…a building season is upon us. While I’ve been pretty quiet over the last few months, Jer and I are working to gather items to prepare for the final phase of this crazy thing we are doing. Honestly, last season really took it out of us, with all the pressure to meet county and state permit deadlines, but we have our final occupancy! On to the finishing projects (before we start new ones).

First, well I guess it’s not really first because we have lots of things in our lives happening simultaneously. One of our top priorities is to prepare to sell our large trailer that we are and have been living in for more than two and a half years. Jer is taking off the trailer skirt he so carefully taped round the outer edges to keep us warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. Our little dog has a whole new area to explore now.

I’ve started packing up things to clear out cabinets. Five boxes have been filled so far and it’s NOT halfway empty. It’s hard to believe how much stuff we have in this tiny living space. Jer is doing repairs, and I dread the deep cleaning, but it all has to be done. We plan to put it on the market in about two weeks.

All those boxes go inside our unfinished house. Still, we are excited to step closer to moving in. Our kitchen cabinet doors are in the process of being built thanks to my brother’s generosity and skill. We have ordered the shower walls and will install them ourselves. Kitchen counter tops are soon to be ordered. Our goal is to have the things most needed before we permanently move into this home we built, hopefully in ten weeks or so.

Deep sigh. We will be doing some duo-living for a while. Jer and I are still working full-time while finishing the house and work transitions are taking longer than expected. That’s okay. I’ve found to have peace in the process I need to trust God’s timing. I joke regularly about what a great plan I had, so why didn’t God agree? I guess I have more to learn and definitely more growing still to be done.

Yet, I have to admit, I do get a little tingling feeling sometimes as I think about the finishing touches. It will be so exciting when we have doors on the bathroom entrances. 😊 


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