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Winter Work

Jer and I hadn’t been back to the property since the very last day in December. We found ourselves incredibly thankful for the mild temperatures and almost no snow. As each weekend came and went, we were just sure snow was coming, which discouraged us from getting a load of anything to continue working. I really wish we had taken time to get a load of insulation or more sheetrock.

Sheetrocking upstairs was our only real goal for the winter months, and we accomplished it just shy of a couple sheets of wallboard. January came dumped three plus feet of snow fell in January. The snow was followed by ice. February was the time to go inspect the condition of our homestead and finish any sheet rock we could do.

The roads were clear, but you could see where trees had fallen and cut to clear a path on the road. One tree hung ominously above us as we passed underneath, looking like it could fall at any point. Thankfully, no trees had fallen on any of our structures and our solar panel rack was fine.

There was a busted waterline in our powerhouse where the water pump is. We had forgotten to release the pressure. Good thing it’s an easy fix. The weather had turned mild again but there was still a foot of snow to trek through to get to the house, with a dog, tools, food, gas tank and whatever else we needed to bring. It was a workout before we even started.

Jer finished with the last couple of pieces of wallboard. We play the ultimate Tetris with bits and piece to try to finish the closets. That came to a stop after measuring and measuring and not finding a board wide enough to fit the spaces we had left. It would have been helpful to figure in a little waste. I spent a better part of the second day sweeping and picking up debris. The floors are covered in sheet rock dust as well as the inside of my nose.

We are both a little excited for the weather to give way to allowing us to get the trailer back up on the property and really go after finishing, as we race to our deadline date the county has set. When I feel overwhelmed, I keep reminding myself of all the other times I felt that way, but those projects are behind us now. Onward with our journey.

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